IPRM Award Winner 2017: Prof. Sebastian Lourdudoss
Previous Recipients of the Michael Lunn Award
1993 Mitsuo Yamamoto, Norio Yamamoto and Junichi Nakano 1994 Theodore Thrush
1995 Dubravko Babic 1996 Tony Jones
1997 Joe Lorenzo 1998 Holger Jurgensen and staff at AIXTRON
1999 Jerome Faist 2000 Shigehisa Arai
2001 Gregory H. Olsen 2002 Dwight Streit
2003 Hideki Hasegawa 2004 Drew Nelson
2005 Tomohiro Kawase and Masami Tatsumi 2006 George Antypas
Previous Recipients of the IPRM Award
2007 Osamu Wada 2008 Andre Scavennec
2009 Mark Rodwell 2010 Hajime Asahi
2011 F. J. Tegude 2012 Brad Boos
2013 Yuichi Matsushima 2014 Abderrahim Ramdane
2015 Larry Coldren 2016 Takatomo Enoki
2017 Sebastian Lourdudoss 2018 M. K. (Meint) Smit