The Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) is the premier forum for science, technology and applications of compound semiconductors. As in previous years, CSW 2018 brought together the 45TH International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS) and the 30TH International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM).
Conference News
COnference location
Short course on Tuesday morning (8:45am-12:30pm) - Samberg Conference Center - MIT Building E52 6th floor, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA.
Plenary session on Tuesday afternoon (1:30pm-5:30pm) = Walker Memorial - MIT Building 50 1st floor, 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA.
Invited and contributed talks on Wednesday through Friday - Samberg Conference Center - MIT Building E52 6th and 7th floor, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA. On Thursday morning, some talks will also happen at the Tang Center (MIT Building 51, 1st floor, 2 Amherst Rd).
Poster sessions on Wednesday afternoon (5:00pm-6:30pm) and Friday morning (8:30am-10am) = Walker Memorial - MIT Building 50 1st floor, 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA.
Rump Session on Wednesday evening (7:00pm-8:30pm) = Tang Center - MIT Building 51 1st floor, 2 Amherst Rd, Cambridge, MA.
CSW 2018 featured two poster sessions, one on Wednesday afternoon and one on Friday morning. If your paper has been selected for a poster, please make sure your poster is smaller than 42"x42" (106x106 cm).
Paper acceptance emails and visa invitations
The emails notifying authors about the review result of their paper were sent to all the authors on March 13th, 2018. If you need an official invitation to request a Visa to attend the conference, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to the conference's secretary, Mr. Joseph Baylon (jbaylon@mit.edu).
CSW 2018 will start with a Plenary Session on the future of compound semiconductors and electronics. We have four outstanding plenary speakers from industry and academia:
- Prof. Hiroshi Fujioka (Univ. of Tokyo) - Sputtering Epitaxial Growth of III Nitrides and Its Device Applications
- Dr. Dario Gil (IBM) - The Physics of AI and Quantum Computing
- Prof. Evelyn Hu (Harvard University) - Semiconductors at the Frontiers of Quantum Technologies
- Prof. Mark Rodwell (Univ. of California - Santa Barbara) - Transistors: mm-Wave and Low-Power VLSI
In addition to the plenary speakers, CSW will feature more than 30 invited talks by some of the world leaders in semiconductor materials and devices. The complete list of confirmed invited speakers can be found here.
CSW-2018 at a glance...
CSW 2018 will start with a short course on the materials and device opportunities in machine learning, which will then followed by a joint plenary session, 2 poster sessions, more than 32 parallel sessions, as well as a focus session on Ga2O3 materials and devices. A summary of the conference schedule can be found here.
Special issue of physica status solidi (a)...
As in previous years, Wiley's physica status solidi (a) will publish a special issue with selected papers from CSW 2018. The Guest Editor for this special issue is Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury (University of California - Davis) and you can find the call for papers here.
Short course on Materials and devices for neuromorphic applications...
Prof. Jeehwan Kim from MIT is organizing a Short Course in the morning of May 29th (Tuesday) on "Materials and Devices for Neuromorphic Applications." The agenda for the Short Course is as follows:
9:00-10:00am - Joshua Yang (UMass): Introduction to neuromorphic computing.
10:00-11:00am - Ilia Valov (Research Centre Jülich): Materials for neuromorphic computing.
11:00-12:00pm - Wilfried Haensch (IBM): Analog arrays and algorithms.
Focus session on Ga2O3 Materials and devices...
CSW 2018 will feature a Focus Session on Ga2O3 Materials and Devices. This session is being organized by Dr. Masataka Higashiwaki (NICT) and will highlight some of the key recent advances in this exciting new material.
Conference Venue and Date
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
May 29th, 2018 - June 1st, 2018
(Note that CSW 2018 goes from Tuesday through Friday)
Abstract submission deadline:
The regular abstract submission period has finished, however we will be accepting late news abstracts until April 27th. You can access the submission website here.
CSW has a long tradition of honoring some of the top researchers in the field of compound semiconductors. The CSW Awards Committee accepted nominations for the awards described below until March 19th, 2018. You can find the nomination form and instructions for the 2018 Awards here (or in PDF format, here)
+ Welker Award
The Welker Award was established in 1976 by Siemens AG in honor of Heinrich Welker, the pioneer in the field of III-V compound semiconductors. The award is now supported by Osram GmbH and given away for outstanding research in the area of III-V compound semiconductors. Click here to get the list of the recipients, which includes three Nobel Laureates.
+ Quantum Devices Award
The Quantum Devices Award was initiated by Fujitsu Quantum Devices Ltd. in 2000, and is now sponsored by the Japanese section of the ISCS steering committee. The Award honors pioneering contributions to the field of compound semiconductor devices and quantum nanostructure devices including physics and epitaxial growth. You can find the list of previous recipients of the Quantum Devices Award here.
+ ISCS Young Scientist Award
The ISCS Young Scientist Award is supported by the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS). Established in 1986, the ISCS Young Scientist Award acknowledges technical achievements in the field of compound semiconductors by a scientist younger than 40 years on the first day of the Symposium. The list of previous recipients is available here.
+ IPRM Award
The IPRM Award was initiated by the Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM) Conference in 1993, as The Michael Lunn Award. During the first three years following its introduction (1993-1995), the award was given for the best paper presented at IPRM. The award criteria were revised in 1996 to recognize individuals who have made “outstanding contributions to the InP community”. In 2007, the award was renamed the IPRM Award and has since been sponsored by the IPRM international steering committee to recognize individuals or organizations who have made an outstanding contribution to the InP and related materials community, especially in the areas of materials growth, integrated photonic components, and high frequency electronics. The list of previous recipients is available here.
+ CSW Best Student Paper Award
The CSW Best Student Paper Award was established for students who present their work as speakers or poster presenters. The award is are open only to students who are officially registered at a university by the abstract submission deadline. Awardees will be selected by members of the program committee based on abstract content and presentation quality. All papers with registered students as first-authors will enter the competition. Student award applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the award ceremony in the closing session. A partial list of previous CSW Best Student Paper Awardees can be found here.
Organizing committee
Tomas Palacios - MIT
CSW General Chair
Grace (Huili) Xing - Cornell University
CSW Technical Program Chair
Srabanti Chowdhury, Univ. of California - Davis - Publication Chair
Jeehwan Kim, MIT - Short Course Organizer
Masataka Higashiwaki, NICT - Focus Session Organizer
Eugene Fitzgerald, MIT - Rump Session Organizer
Yong-Hang Zhang, Arizona State University (USA) - Regional Chair for America
Tetsuya Suemitsu, Tohoku University (Japan) - Regional Chair for Asia and Australia
Eva Monroy, CEA-Grenoble (France) - Regional Chair for Europe and Africa
Student Organizers (MIT): Ahmad Zubair, Marek Hempel, Mantian Xue, Mengyang Yuan, Nadim Chowdhury, Yuhao Zhang, Elaine McVay, Qingyun Xie, Joshua A. Perozek
Conference Coordinator: Joseph Baylon (MIT)
CSW-2018 Technical Program Sub-Committees
0. Focus Session on Ga2O3 (Chair: Masataka Higashiwaki, NICT; Oliver Bierwagen, PDI; Zbigniew Galazka, IKZ Berlin; Gregg Jessen, AFRL Debdeep Jena, Cornell Univ.; Marko Tadjer, NRL)
1. Materials and Characterization
1.1 Narrow bandgap materials (Chair: Amy Liu, IQE; Tim Ashley, Univ. of Warwick; Volker DAumer, Fraunhofer Institute; Takaaki Koga, Hokkaido University; Jerry Meyer, NRL; Michael Santos, Univ. of Oklahoma; Hongqi Xu, Beijing Key Laboratory of Quantum Devices)
1.2 Nanostructures (Chair: Lutz Geelhaar, Paul Drude Institute; Kris Bertness, NIST; Xiuling Li, U. of Illinois; Stefano Sanguinetti, Como/Milan Univ.; Katsuhiro Tomioka, Hokkaido Univ.)
1.3 Novel materials (nanocarbon, 2D materials, and non-Ga2O3 oxides) & characterization (Chair: Randal Feenstra, Carnegie Mellon Univ.; Matthias Batzill, Univ. of South Florida; Holger Eisele, Tech. Univ. of Berlin; Petra Reinke, U. of Virginia; Rainer Timm, Lund Univ.; Shiro Tsukamoto, Anan Nat. College of Tech.)
1.4 Wide bandgap materials (Chair: Zetian Mi, University of Michigan; Elaheh Ahmadi, U. of Michigan; Srabanti Chowdhury, UC Davis; Hideki Hirayama, RIKEN; Woongje Sung, SUNY Poly; Andreas Waag, TU Braunschweig; Xinqiang Wang, PKU; Tao Wang, U. Sheffield)
2. Devices and Technologies
2.1 High-frequency devices (Chair: Miguel Urteaga, Teledyne; Eduardo Chumbes, Raytheon; Gerry Mei, Northrop Grumman; Kozo Makiyama, Fujitsu; Nils Weimann, Univ. of Duisburg)
2.2 Power electronics (Chair: Sameer Pendharkar, Texas Instruments; Kevin Chen, KHUST; Elison Matioli, EPFL; Rudiger Quay, Fraunhofer IAF; Tom Tsay, TSMC)
2.3 Semiconductor lasers (Chair: Nelson Tansu, Lehigh University; Daniel Feezell, U. of New Mexico; Luke J. Mawst, UW-Madison; Roberto Paiella, Boston U.)
2.4 Optoelectronics: devices and integration (Chair: Eva Monroy, CEA Grenoble; Sarath D. Gunapala, NASA JPL; James Gupta, NRC; Euijoon Yoon, Seoul Natl. Univ.; Val Zwiller, KTH)
3. Physics and Emerging Devices
3.1 Semiconductor physics (Chair: Farhan Rana, Cornell University; Linyou Cao, NCSU; Debdeep Jena, Cornell Univ.; Jacob Khurgin, John Hopkins Univ.; Ermin Malic, Chalmers Univ.; André Schleife, UIUC)
3.2 Organic semiconductors and flexible electronics (Chair: David Gundlach, NIST; Emily Bittle, NIST; Chris Giebink, PennState Univ.; Oana Jurchescu, Wake Forest Univ.; John Kymissis, Columbia Univ.)
3.3 Other novel device concepts including ferroelectrics, spintronics etc. (Chair: Steven Koester, Univ. of Minnesota; Aaron Franklin, Duke Univ.; Nazila Haraitpour, Intel; Roland Kawakami, OSU; Tony Low, UMN)
CSW International Steering Committee
ISCS International Steering Committee:
Yasuhiko Arakawa (Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Chair
Oliver Ambacher (Univ. Freiburg, Germany)
Colombo Bolognesi (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
James Coleman (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA)
Shizuo Fujita (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Nicolas Grandjean (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
James S. Harris (Stanford Univ., USA)
Yoshiro Hirayama (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
Diana Huffaker (UCLA, USA)
Heonsu Jeon (Seoul National Univ., South Korea)
Umesh Mishra (UCSB, USA)
Henning Riechert (Paul-Drude-Institut, Germany)
Tom Tiedje (Univ. British Columbia, Canada)
Eric Tournie (Univ. Montpellier, France)
Charles Tu (UCSD, USA)
IPRM International Steering Committee:
Henning Riechert (Paul-Drude-Institut, Germany), Chair
Shigehisa Arai (Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan)
Hajime Asahi (Osaka Univ., Japan)
Sophie Bouchoule (CNRS-LPN, France)
Takatomo Enoki (NTT, Japan)
Norbert Grote (Fraunhofer HHI, Germany)
Sebastian Lourdudoss (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Yuichi Matsushima (Waseda Univ., Japan)
Yasuyuki Miyamoto (Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan)
Yoshiaki Nakano (Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
Tomas Palacios (MIT, USA),
Abderrahim Ramdane (CNRS-LPN, France)
Mark Rodwell (UCSB, USA)
Andre Scavennec (Alcatel Thales III-V Lab, France)
Osamu Wada (Kobe Univ., Japan)
PLENARY AND Invited Speakers
PLENARY speakers.
- Prof. Hiroshi Fujioka (Univ. of Tokyo) - Sputtering Epitaxial Growth of III Nitrides and Its Device Applications
- Dr. Dario Gil (IBM) - The Physics of AI and Quantum Computing
- Prof. Evelyn Hu (Harvard University) - Semiconductors at the Frontiers of Quantum Technologies
- Prof. Mark Rodwell (Univ. of California - Santa Barbara) - Transistors: mm-Wave and Low-Power VLSI
invited speakers.
- Prof. Martin Albrecht (IKZ Berlin)
- Dr. Philippe Boucaud (CHREA)
- Dr. Allen Bracker (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Prof. Jesus del Alamo (MIT)
- Dr. Dean DeLongchamp (NIST)
- Prof. Enrique Calleja (Polytechnical University of Madrid)
- Dr. Mary Crawford (Sandia National Lab)
- Dr. Marcelo Davanco (NIST)
- Prof. Daniel Feezell (UNM)
- Prof. Andrea Ferrari (Univ. of Cambridge)
- Prof. Susan Fullerton (Pittsburgh University)
- Prof. Jean-Christophe Harmand (C2N Paris)
- Prof. John Heron (Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor)
- Mark Hersam (Northwestern Univ.)
- Prof. Chris Hinkle (UT Dallas)
- Dr. Robert Howell (Northrop Grumman)
- Prof. Asif Islam Khan (Georgia Tech)
- Prof. Yoshinao Kugamai (TUAT, Japan)
- Prof. Lincoln Lauhon (Northwestern University)
- Prof. Stephanie Law (Univ. Delaware)
- Dr. Amy Liu (IQE)
- Prof. Hideto Miyake (Mie University)
- Prof. Becky Peterson (Univ. of Michigan)
- Prof. Siddharth Rajan (Ohio State University)
- Prof. Nitin Samarth (Penn State Univ.)
- Dr. Kohei Sasaki (Tamura/NCT)
- Prof. Javad Shabani (NYU)
- Prof. James Speck (Univ. of California - Santa Barbara)
- Dr. Qian Sun (Sinano)
- Dr. Masamitu Takahashi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan)
- Dr. Tsuyoshi Takahashi (Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan)
- Prof. Eric Tournie (Univ. of Montpellier)
- Prof. Michael Uren (Bristol University)
- Prof. Edward Wasige (U. of Glasgow)
- Prof. Michael Watts (MIT)
- Prof. Lars-Erik Wernersson (Lund University)
- Prof. Yong Zhang (UNC Charlotte)
CSW 2018 would have never happened without the strong support of our sponsors, who are committed to the support and success of Compound Semiconductors. Thank you!
Industrial Exhibition
CSW 2018 is very fortunate to have an Industrial Exhibition that highlights some of the most exciting companies in compound semiconductors. Some of the companies featured in this year's exhibition include:
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